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What is a square in sports betting?

Squares are what all novice bettors start out as and are the exact opposite of the “sharp” bettors. If you call someone a “square” in the sports betting world, you are basically insulting them. Square bettors aren’t the smartest bettors out there, because they are usually the ones playing parlays, prop bets and betting chalky favorites.

Why are sports bettors called squares?

Often feared by bookmakers, sharp bettors make up the select few who gamble on sports to earn a living. As the vast majority, and favored by sportsbooks, bettors are labelled as squares due to a variety of reasons. Generally speaking, professional bettors tend to cash in on upwards of 55% of their wagers.

What is a square bettor?

A square bettor will likely bet on teams they like and bet against teams they hate, no matter the situation. They will also carry a bias with them and back certain players over others, often times giving them more credit than they deserve. These problems are simply non-existent when talking about a “sharp” bettor.

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